Latest weather observations around
2 Miles S Brighton NY
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
18:54 Mostly Cloudy 72 57 59 SW 16 G 25 29.82
19:35 Overcast 73 54 52 S 6 29.85
11:54 Fair 75 56 52 S 8 30.21
18:53 Partly Cloudy 79 57 47 SW 18 G 28 29.84
18:54 Overcast 71 56 59 Vrbl 3 29.84
18:56 Overcast 0 0 0 SW 9 29.84
18:56 Overcast 70 58 66 SW 17 G 28 29.92
18:53 Mostly Cloudy 74 58 57 SW 18 G 28 29.80
18:56 Mostly Cloudy 75 55 50 S 10 G 20 29.80
18:56 Mostly Cloudy 70 54 57 S 9 29.96
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.