Latest weather observations around
4 Miles NNW Remerton GA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
22:53 Rain Fog/Mist and Breezy 80 76 87 E 22 G 40 29.09
03:53 Light Rain Fog/Mist and Windy 77 75 94 S 39 G 69 29.06
12:15 Partly Cloudy 84 68 58 SW 14 G 18 29.86
12:15 Fair 82 61 48 SW 13 G 21 29.85
00:55 Heavy Rain Fog and Windy 76 74 94 E 39 G 63 28.42
10:35 Breezy 81 67 64 W 21 G 25 29.71
11:53 A Few Clouds 83 64 53 SW 8 29.86
11:53 Partly Cloudy 85 66 53 SW 12 29.88
01:01 Rain and Windy 0 0 0 E 40 G 55 29.05
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.