Latest weather observations around
Meeker OK
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
18:55 Fair 95 68 41 S 6 29.80
18:55 Fair 95 66 39 S 8 29.82
18:53 NULL 97 65 35 S 8 29.78
18:45 Fair 97 64 34 SE 10 29.79
18:53 Fair 96 65 36 S 10 29.80
18:52 A Few Clouds 94 64 37 S 8 29.80
18:55 Fair 95 67 40 S 8 29.78
18:55 Fair 95 64 36 S 7 29.80
18:53 Fair 95 68 41 S 10 29.76
18:55 Fair 97 60 29 S 9 29.80
18:53 Fair 97 66 36 S 9 29.78
18:55 Fair 94 66 40 S 8 29.77
18:53 Fair 95 68 41 S 7 29.77
18:53 A Few Clouds 95 70 44 S 10 29.77
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.