Latest weather observations around
Port Heiden AK
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
03:55 Mostly Cloudy 46 42 88 NE 14 G 20 29.82
03:56 Overcast 51 49 92 S 7 29.89
03:56 Overcast 51 48 89 SW 5 29.94
03:56 A Few Clouds 55 45 69 SW 7 29.90
03:53 Mostly Cloudy 54 41 62 W 5 29.89
03:56 Fair with Haze 54 45 72 SW 13 29.91
03:56 Overcast 51 49 92 SW 8 29.89
03:56 Fair 53 45 74 SW 12 29.89
03:56 Overcast 49 47 93 S 9 29.82
02:57 Mostly Cloudy 57 48 72 Calm 29.86
03:56 Overcast 51 47 86 SE 5 29.95
03:56 Overcast 50 49 96 S 9 29.87
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.