Latest weather observations around
Birmingham International Airport AL
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
04:53 Overcast 54 46 75 SE 9 G 18 30.17
04:53 Overcast 55 49 80 SE 7 30.16
04:53 Overcast 50 41 71 E 9 30.19
04:52 Light Rain Fog/Mist 43 40 89 E 9 30.26
04:53 Light Rain 54 32 43 S 15 G 36 30.09
04:54 Overcast 63 60 90 S 16 30.03
04:54 Fog/Mist 51 50 96 Calm 29.92
04:53 Overcast 56 47 72 E 7 30.19
04:53 Thunderstorm Rain Fog/Mist 44 40 85 NE 10 30.11
04:53 Overcast 61 47 60 SE 7 30.12
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.