Latest weather observations around
3 Miles ESE Georgiana AL
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
21:53 Fair 66 62 87 SW 3 30.20
21:53 Overcast 47 41 80 N 8 30.27
21:53 Overcast 68 66 93 SW 6 30.21
21:53 Overcast 70 69 97 Vrbl 3 30.19
21:54 Overcast 53 44 72 N 12 30.26
21:55 Overcast 70 67 90 SW 7 30.16
21:58 Overcast 54 47 77 N 10 30.24
21:53 Fog 64 62 93 Calm 30.21
21:53 Overcast 66 62 87 NW 7 30.19
21:53 Overcast 69 66 90 SW 8 30.18
21:53 Overcast 64 61 90 Calm 30.20
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.