Latest weather observations around
2 Miles SSE Marietta, Cobb County-McCollum Field Airport GA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
16:55 Overcast 43 33 66 W 20 29.95
16:53 Overcast 44 33 65 W 15 G 25 29.95
16:52 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy 46 34 63 NW 24 G 32 29.95
17:15 Overcast 41 30 66 NW 12 G 20 30.04
16:49 Overcast 42 31 65 W 14 G 25 30.00
16:53 Overcast 44 33 65 W 14 G 37 29.97
16:53 Partly Cloudy 44 31 60 W 16 G 33 29.91
16:53 Overcast 40 29 65 NW 14 G 23 30.03
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.