Latest weather observations around
Atlanta, Fulton County Airport-Brown Field GA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
04:52 Fair 33 24 70 W 6 30.34
04:53 Fair 33 24 70 NW 6 30.33
04:55 Fair 32 25 75 W 5 30.38
04:49 Fair 33 24 70 NW 3 30.35
04:53 Fair 34 24 67 Calm 30.35
04:53 Fair 33 22 64 W 7 30.31
04:56 Fair 0 0 0 Vrbl 5 30.32
04:55 Fair 33 23 68 W 7 30.32
04:53 Fair 30 25 82 Calm 30.37
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.