Latest weather observations around
Clear Lake IA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
09:53 Fair -3 -9 75 NW 16 30.42
10:35 Fair -0 -6 78 NW 5 30.43
10:35 Fair 1 -6 71 N 14 30.42
10:35 Fair -0 -8 71 NW 13 30.42
10:35 A Few Clouds -0 -6 78 N 16 30.43
10:35 Fair -0 -4 84 N 16 G 23 30.44
09:56 Fair -2 -9 72 NW 14 30.46
10:35 Fair -0 -8 71 NW 13 30.44
09:56 Fair -1 -10 65 N 8 30.44
09:54 Fair 2 -8 63 NW 16 G 25 30.42
10:35 Fair -2 -8 77 NW 10 30.45
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.