Latest weather observations around
Champaign IL
Location | Time (cst) |
Sky/Weather | Temp. (ºF) |
Dewpt. (ºF) |
Humidity (%) |
Wind (mph) |
Pressure (in) |
University of Illinois - Willard | 19:53 | Overcast | 30 | 27 | 88 | NE 17 G 23 | 30.07 | |
Bloomington/Normal, Central Illinois Regional Airport at Bloomington-Normal | 20:56 | Overcast | 25 | 22 | 88 | NE 17 | 30.12 | |
Decatur Airport | 20:54 | Overcast | 32 | 26 | 79 | NE 13 | 30.08 | |
Edgar County Airport | 21:15 | Overcast | 32 | 21 | 65 | E 13 | 30.07 | |
Mattoon / Charleston, Coles County Memorial Airport | 20:53 | Overcast | 32 | 22 | 66 | NE 14 | 30.05 | |
Pontiac Municipal Airport | 20:55 | Overcast | 26 | 20 | 78 | NE 15 | 30.14 | |
Rantoul National Aviation Center Airport | 21:15 | Overcast | 28 | 22 | 77 | NE 15 G 20 | 30.10 | |
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site. |