Latest weather observations around
Columbia City IN
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
11:54 Overcast 32 19 59 E 15 29.91
12:15 Overcast 28 18 64 E 13 G 20 29.93
11:51 Overcast 33 18 54 E 10 29.91
11:53 Overcast 31 19 61 E 10 29.98
11:53 Overcast 28 19 69 E 10 30.08
11:53 Overcast 30 18 61 E 13 29.94
12:15 Overcast 27 18 69 E 14 29.94
11:54 Overcast and Breezy 35 28 76 SE 23 G 32 29.83
11:54 Thunderstorm Light Freezing Rain Fog/Mist 32 30 92 E 6 29.89
11:53 Overcast 32 18 56 E 12 29.94
11:53 Overcast 35 22 59 SE 16 G 22 29.85
11:54 Overcast 31 16 54 E 10 29.94
12:16 Overcast 30 18 59 E 15 29.92
11:52 Overcast 30 19 64 E 12 30.02
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.