Latest weather observations around
Bloomington IN
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
21:53 Overcast 0 0 0 SW 12 30.01
22:35 Mostly Cloudy 32 27 82 SW 6 29.97
21:45 A Few Clouds 32 28 87 SW 8 30.02
21:55 Fair 24 18 76 W 13 29.94
21:54 Partly Cloudy 30 26 85 SW 9 29.98
21:53 Overcast 33 27 78 SW 6 29.97
21:54 A Few Clouds 25 18 75 W 8 30.00
21:53 Fog/Mist 24 23 96 S 7 30.05
21:53 Partly Cloudy 34 26 73 W 14 29.95
21:53 Fair 34 27 76 SW 12 29.98
21:53 Overcast 33 29 85 SW 6 30.02
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.