Latest weather observations around
Olathe, Johnson County Executive Airport KS
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
13:53 Overcast 34 24 67 N 18 G 25 29.81
13:54 Overcast 27 20 75 N 9 G 18 29.95
13:53 Overcast 32 24 73 N 15 G 24 29.84
13:52 Overcast 34 25 70 N 13 G 22 29.86
13:53 Overcast 34 25 70 N 20 29.83
12:52 Overcast and Breezy 21 18 88 N 22 G 29 30.03
13:53 Overcast 34 26 73 N 16 G 28 29.89
13:53 Overcast 31 26 82 N 20 G 29 29.89
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.