Latest weather observations around
Louisville, Standiford Field KY
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
10:56 Overcast 42 37 82 W 7 29.78
10:53 Overcast 36 33 89 NW 8 29.77
09:53 Overcast 47 44 90 W 3 29.77
09:52 Fog 37 37 100 Calm 29.71
10:54 Overcast 37 31 79 NW 10 G 18 29.85
09:55 Overcast 47 44 91 W 6 29.76
09:55 Overcast 42 42 97 SW 5 29.72
09:53 Overcast 41 39 93 W 6 29.73
10:56 Overcast 35 33 93 NW 12 29.81
09:54 Fog/Mist 42 39 89 SW 8 29.73
09:53 Overcast 43 42 97 S 3 29.76
09:53 Fog/Mist 39 38 96 S 3 29.74
10:56 Overcast 38 37 97 NW 12 29.84
11:15 Unknown Precip Fog/Mist 45 45 100 S 5 29.76
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.