Latest weather observations around
Bossier City LA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
16:56 Fair 70 59 69 S 8 29.75
16:53 Mostly Cloudy 71 66 84 SW 10 G 17 29.82
16:53 Fair 65 47 52 N 10 29.78
16:53 A Few Clouds 74 66 76 S 3 29.81
16:53 Overcast 57 53 87 E 8 29.84
16:53 Fair 71 53 53 SW 8 29.75
16:53 Fair 69 61 76 S 6 29.80
16:53 Overcast 70 63 79 S 9 29.82
16:53 Fair 70 59 68 S 8 29.75
16:53 Fair 69 59 70 SE 3 29.76
15:53 Fair 74 49 41 SW 10 29.74
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.