Latest weather observations around
Copper Harbor MI
Location | Time (est) |
Sky/Weather | Temp. (ºF) |
Dewpt. (ºF) |
Humidity (%) |
Wind (mph) |
Pressure (in) |
Copper Harbor | 08:51 | NULL | 17 | 7 | 64 | N 14 G 26 | 29.98 | |
Grand Marais, The Bay of Grand Marais | 08:56 | NULL | -3 | -14 | 58 | N 16 G 30 | 30.10 | |
Houghton County Memorial Airport | 08:53 | Light Snow | 13 | 7 | 77 | NW 14 | 29.98 | |
Ironwood, Gogebic-Iron County Airport | 08:56 | Light Snow | -0 | -5 | 79 | W 10 | 30.08 | |
Marquette, Sawyer International Airport | 08:47 | Light Snow Haze | 9 | 3 | 78 | W 9 | 29.92 | |
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site. |