Latest weather observations around
Spring Lake MI
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
05:53 Fair 50 45 83 S 5 29.99
05:35 Fair 50 43 76 SW 6 29.96
04:53 Fair 51 42 71 S 5 30.01
05:35 Fair 51 48 92 S 5 29.94
04:53 Fair 50 42 74 Calm 30.00
05:53 Fair 54 44 69 S 8 29.99
05:53 Fair 49 43 80 S 7 30.02
05:35 Fair 62 50 64 SW 10 G 16 29.92
05:35 Fair 54 44 70 SW 5 29.95
04:55 Fair 62 50 65 SW 10 29.96
05:53 Fair 50 43 77 Calm 30.00
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.