Latest weather observations around
Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport MI
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
13:53 Partly Cloudy 63 47 56 E 7 30.08
13:53 Fair 63 46 54 E 7 30.06
13:53 Fair 64 41 43 E 9 30.08
13:53 Fair 65 47 52 SE 10 30.08
14:35 Fair 63 50 64 S 8 30.05
14:35 Mostly Cloudy 63 50 64 E 9 30.04
13:53 Partly Cloudy 63 42 47 E 9 30.07
13:56 Partly Cloudy 63 42 46 E 8 30.04
14:35 Fair 64 41 43 Vrbl 7 30.05
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.