Latest weather observations around
15 Miles NNW Grand Marais/Cook County Airport MN
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
01:15 Fair -20 -27 68 Calm 30.03
00:53 Fair -10 -27 41 N 8 30.06
01:15 Fair -26 -33 67 Calm 30.08
00:55 Fair -5 -15 62 NW 9 30.01
01:15 Fair -9 -16 72 NW 3 30.05
00:54 Fair -26 -33 68 NW 5 30.10
00:56 NULL 5 -13 42 N 16 G 28 30.02
01:15 Fair -4 -17 54 N 12 29.91
01:15 Fair -0 -11 60 NW 3 30.02
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.