Latest weather observations around
5 Miles SE Breezy Point MN
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
09:53 Snow 7 -4 60 W 18 G 40 29.76
10:15 Fair 7 -6 56 W 20 G 29 29.73
09:55 Light Snow and Windy 9 -1 64 W 29 G 37 29.59
10:15 Heavy Snow and Windy 9 -4 56 W 29 G 37 29.81
10:13 Partly Cloudy with Haze and Breezy 1 -8 65 W 22 G 32 29.71
10:15 Light Snow 12 -8 40 SW 14 G 20 29.80
09:53 Unknown Precip and Windy 1 -6 72 W 26 G 37 29.73
10:15 Mostly Cloudy with Haze 5 -6 60 W 16 G 26 29.78
09:53 Fair 10 -2 58 W 18 G 32 29.84
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.