Latest weather observations around
Sartell MN
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
09:53 Fair -6 -17 58 NW 8 30.64
09:53 Fair -10 -18 67 NW 12 30.67
10:15 Fair -9 -17 70 NW 15 30.65
10:15 Fair -6 -18 54 NW 10 30.65
10:15 Fair -2 -15 54 SW 8 30.63
09:53 A Few Clouds -5 -16 58 W 8 30.67
10:15 Fair -8 -15 70 NW 12 30.74
10:15 Fair -9 -17 70 NW 17 30.72
10:15 Fair -8 -17 64 W 9 30.67
10:15 Fair -6 -17 60 NW 10 30.65
10:15 Fair -8 -15 70 NW 15 30.69
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.