Latest weather observations around
Circle Pines MN
Location | Time (cst) |
Sky/Weather | Temp. (ºF) |
Dewpt. (ºF) |
Humidity (%) |
Wind (mph) |
Pressure (in) |
Minneapolis / Blaine | 22:35 | Fair | -6 | -15 | 64 | W 13 | 30.22 | |
Alexandria, Chandler Field | 21:53 | Fair | -9 | -15 | 75 | NW 10 G 21 | 30.21 | |
Cambridge Municipal Airport | 22:35 | Fair | -9 | -18 | 64 | NW 10 | 30.23 | |
Downtown Holman Field | 21:53 | Fair | -3 | -16 | 53 | NW 16 G 24 | 30.26 | |
Mankato, Mankato Regional Airport | 21:56 | Fair | -3 | -11 | 68 | NW 14 | 30.26 | |
Maple Lake, Maple Lake Municipal Airport | 19:15 | Unknown Precip | 24 | 18 | 78 | Calm | 29.97 | |
Minneapolis, Crystal Airport | 21:53 | Fair | -5 | -17 | 56 | NW 12 | 30.23 | |
Minneapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport | 21:53 | Fair | -4 | -15 | 58 | NW 17 | 30.24 | |
Redwood Falls Municipal Airport | 21:53 | Fair | -3 | -10 | 71 | NW 9 | 30.28 | |
Rush City Regional Airport | 22:35 | Partly Cloudy | -6 | -15 | 64 | NW 7 | 30.22 | |
St. Cloud Regional Airport | 21:53 | Fair | -7 | -17 | 61 | NW 15 | 30.23 | |
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site. |