Latest weather observations around
New Prague MN
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
17:53 Partly Cloudy 45 30 56 W 9 29.65
17:53 Fair 38 32 79 W 13 29.68
17:53 Fair 45 30 56 W 6 29.65
17:55 Fair 45 28 53 W 5 29.68
17:56 Fair 47 28 48 W 14 29.70
17:55 Fair 42 31 65 W 8 29.67
17:53 Fair 45 30 56 W 8 29.65
17:55 Fair 45 30 57 W 10 29.66
17:55 Fair 43 32 66 W 5 29.72
17:53 Fair 44 28 53 W 14 29.71
17:53 Fair 40 30 68 W 12 29.64
17:55 Fair 39 34 81 W 9 29.69
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.