Latest weather observations around
Conway MO
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
09:52 Overcast 53 34 48 W 16 G 31 30.07
09:52 Fair 31 20 64 S 10 30.54
09:54 Fair 47 36 66 W 17 G 26 30.00
09:53 Overcast 51 36 56 SW 12 30.17
09:53 Overcast 57 34 42 SW 14 G 23 30.13
09:53 Fair 52 36 55 W 14 G 31 30.01
09:53 Fair 52 36 55 SW 16 G 29 30.12
09:56 A Few Clouds 52 36 55 W 8 G 20 30.05
09:54 Fair 44 32 63 W 9 30.06
09:53 Fair and Breezy 52 36 55 W 24 G 33 30.02
09:53 Fair 48 36 63 W 16 G 31 30.03
09:51 Partly Cloudy 49 33 55 W 20 G 29 29.96
09:53 Fair 49 31 50 SW 13 G 23 30.09
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.