Latest weather observations around
Rio Grande NJ
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
05:56 Fair 37 35 93 SE 3 30.04
05:54 Fair 32 27 82 Calm 30.03
05:55 Fair 37 32 83 Calm 30.00
05:54 Fair 34 29 82 Calm 30.03
05:54 Fair 30 27 88 Calm 30.02
05:54 Fair 29 26 89 Calm 30.04
05:53 Fair 35 32 89 Calm 30.04
05:54 Mostly Cloudy 38 32 79 N 5 30.03
05:54 Fair 32 31 96 Calm 30.04
05:51 Fair 33 28 82 N 5 30.02
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.