Latest weather observations around
Canaseraga NY
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
02:53 Overcast and Breezy 32 21 64 W 23 G 33 29.78
02:54 Light Snow and Breezy 28 18 66 W 24 G 41 29.81
02:55 Overcast 28 18 64 W 7 G 23 29.73
02:54 Mostly Cloudy 38 18 44 W 13 G 26 29.76
02:53 Overcast 38 19 46 W 17 G 32 29.73
02:56 Light Snow and Windy 28 22 78 W 30 G 45 29.80
02:53 Overcast 34 16 48 W 18 G 33 29.72
02:54 Light Snow Blowing Snow and Breezy 29 25 85 NW 25 G 41 29.76
02:54 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy 37 19 48 SW 25 G 39 29.68
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.