Latest weather observations around
Port Washington North NY
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
20:56 A Few Clouds 19 4 52 W 9 30.42
20:51 Fair 19 -0 43 Vrbl 7 G 20 30.46
20:51 A Few Clouds 22 2 42 W 15 30.46
20:51 A Few Clouds 21 -0 39 W 16 G 25 30.45
20:51 Fair 19 -0 43 W 12 30.46
20:56 Partly Cloudy 19 6 57 W 3 30.43
20:53 Fair 12 -0 58 Calm 30.44
20:51 Fair 18 -0 45 W 7 30.44
20:53 A Few Clouds 7 3 84 Calm 30.43
20:53 Fair 15 -1 49 W 8 30.46
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.