Latest weather observations around
Rushville OH
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
08:53 Overcast 42 40 92 W 12 29.83
08:51 Light Rain Fog 34 33 97 SW 9 29.75
08:52 Overcast 46 45 96 W 20 G 26 29.87
08:51 Fog/Mist 33 32 96 SW 8 29.75
08:53 Fog 36 34 93 S 6 29.82
08:51 Fog 36 36 100 SW 8 29.83
08:52 Fog/Mist 35 35 100 W 10 G 22 29.76
08:53 Fog/Mist 34 33 97 W 7 29.79
08:54 Fog 37 36 96 SW 9 29.80
07:55 Fog 33 33 99 S 5 29.79
08:52 Fog/Mist 30 30 100 SW 8 29.78
08:54 Fog/Mist and Breezy 42 40 92 W 22 G 29 29.86
08:51 Fog 34 32 92 SW 9 29.74
08:53 Fog/Mist 37 35 93 SW 6 29.81
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.