Latest weather observations around
Cushing Municipal Airport OK
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
14:53 Fair 29 11 47 N 7 30.47
15:10 Fair 29 14 53 Calm 30.47
14:45 Clear 27 12 54 SE 6 30.46
14:53 Fair 31 12 45 NE 6 30.45
14:45 Fair 30 16 55 NE 5 30.42
14:53 Fair 30 14 51 Vrbl 7 30.43
14:52 A Few Clouds 30 14 51 Vrbl 7 30.43
14:53 Fair 24 10 55 Calm 30.48
15:15 Fair 32 16 52 NE 5 30.45
14:55 Fair 33 15 48 E 6 30.39
14:53 Fair 28 13 53 N 6 30.52
14:53 Fair 28 13 53 N 7 30.50
14:55 Fair 25 10 53 E 7 30.40
14:54 Fair 23 11 60 SE 3 30.48
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.