Latest weather observations around
Clinton-Sherman Airport OK
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
03:53 Fog 42 42 100 SW 17 29.74
03:55 Fog 41 39 94 Calm 29.75
04:15 Fog/Mist 52 0 0 S 6 29.72
04:15 Fog 52 0 0 SE 3 29.78
03:53 Fog/Mist 41 40 96 W 6 29.74
03:53 Fair 40 36 86 W 9 29.71
03:53 Fog 45 45 100 SW 14 29.77
03:53 Fog 45 45 100 Calm 29.77
03:53 Fog/Mist 54 54 100 SW 15 29.72
03:52 Fog/Mist 54 53 97 S 13 29.72
03:55 Fog 44 44 98 SE 7 29.68
04:15 Fair 48 0 0 SW 18 29.73
03:52 Fair 55 52 90 SW 13 29.77
04:15 Fair 41 36 81 SW 9 29.73
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.