Latest weather observations around
Norman OK
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
22:35 Fog/Mist 32 31 95 NE 12 29.88
22:35 Fog/Mist 34 34 100 NE 8 29.90
22:35 Overcast 37 34 91 NE 7 29.87
22:30 Fog/Mist 32 30 92 NE 8 29.93
22:35 Overcast 33 30 89 E 7 29.87
13:35 Overcast 37 27 65 E 6 30.19
22:35 Overcast 34 32 93 NE 10 29.88
21:53 Overcast 33 26 75 NE 7 29.93
21:53 Overcast 33 29 85 E 7 29.91
21:52 Overcast 33 29 85 NE 10 29.90
22:35 Overcast 33 33 100 NE 8 29.93
22:35 Fog/Mist 34 32 93 NE 9 29.90
22:35 Fog/Mist 34 32 93 NE 7 29.91
21:55 Overcast 33 30 90 NE 7 29.86
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.