Latest weather observations around
6 Miles NNW Broken Bow OK
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
11:53 Fog/Mist 50 49 96 Calm 29.75
11:53 Overcast 58 54 87 SW 14 29.76
11:53 Light Rain Fog/Mist 46 45 96 NE 6 29.74
11:53 Heavy Rain Fog/Mist 49 48 97 SE 5 29.77
11:53 Light Rain 46 44 93 SE 8 29.78
11:53 Overcast 52 48 86 SW 13 29.76
11:52 Overcast and Breezy 41 35 79 N 24 G 31 29.80
11:56 Overcast 53 53 100 S 9 29.76
11:56 Overcast 75 64 69 S 15 G 31 29.80
11:53 Fog/Mist 50 49 96 Calm 29.74
11:53 Light Rain Fog/Mist 62 60 93 SW 13 29.80
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.