Latest weather observations around
3 Miles NNE Arlington Heights PA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
02:53 Overcast and Windy 20 12 71 W 30 G 53 29.45
02:51 Overcast 30 13 49 W 20 G 28 29.62
02:53 Light Snow Fog/Mist 18 14 84 W 13 29.50
03:35 Partly Cloudy 30 12 47 W 15 G 24 29.66
02:53 Overcast and Breezy 28 13 53 W 22 G 38 29.51
03:35 Overcast 23 11 61 W 20 G 39 29.75
02:54 Overcast and Breezy 25 12 58 W 21 G 36 29.58
02:54 Overcast 27 12 53 W 20 G 43 29.68
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.