Latest weather observations around
Quakertown PA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
06:54 Fair 33 24 70 Calm 30.32
06:55 Fair 32 28 87 Calm 30.34
06:51 Fair 32 23 69 NE 3 30.32
06:54 Fair 29 23 78 Calm 30.35
06:55 Fair 28 25 86 Calm 30.33
06:54 Fair 35 23 61 Calm 30.36
06:54 Mostly Cloudy with Haze 40 30 68 Calm 30.34
06:54 Fair 31 22 69 Calm 30.34
06:54 Fair 33 26 75 Calm 30.32
06:53 Fair 28 26 92 Calm 30.33
06:53 Fair 31 24 76 N 5 30.34
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.