Latest weather observations around
2 Miles N Block Island RI
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
09:56 Overcast 30 28 92 N 13 G 17 29.90
09:56 Overcast 30 27 88 N 12 29.92
09:53 Light Freezing Rain Fog/Mist 33 29 85 N 17 G 31 29.86
09:54 NULL 35 28 76 N 8 29.92
09:53 Overcast 30 25 82 N 14 G 23 29.89
09:51 Light Snow Fog/Mist 28 24 85 N 12 G 24 29.92
09:53 Overcast 30 25 82 N 9 29.91
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.