Latest weather observations around
Sioux Falls SD
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
16:56 Partly Cloudy 50 35 57 SE 20 G 30 29.86
16:56 Fair and Breezy 47 33 59 SE 24 G 31 29.87
16:55 Fair and Breezy 52 39 61 SE 21 G 37 29.74
16:53 Fair and Breezy 52 39 61 SE 24 G 38 29.77
16:55 Fair 45 34 66 SE 17 G 22 29.92
15:52 Fair and Breezy 55 36 49 SE 21 G 33 29.92
16:56 Fair 44 35 71 SE 16 G 25 29.97
16:56 Fair 53 39 59 SE 16 G 29 29.84
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.