Latest weather observations around
Bradford TN
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
11:56 Light Rain 39 0 0 E 7 29.78
11:53 Overcast 40 39 97 Calm 29.77
11:50 Fog/Mist 39 39 100 E 9 29.79
11:55 Overcast 42 40 95 E 7 29.76
11:53 Fog/Mist 45 44 97 SE 3 29.76
11:54 Light Rain Fog/Mist 44 43 96 SE 7 29.75
11:53 Light Rain 52 49 89 SE 6 29.80
11:53 Overcast 39 36 89 NE 7 29.77
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.