Latest weather observations around
3 Miles NNE Arlington TX
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
16:53 A Few Clouds and Windy 59 44 58 NW 30 G 40 29.74
16:52 Fair and Breezy 60 36 41 N 25 G 35 29.85
16:53 Fair and Breezy 64 45 50 NW 22 G 40 29.74
16:47 Clear 59 46 63 NW 18 G 36 29.75
16:53 A Few Clouds and Windy 61 46 58 N 31 G 46 29.74
16:53 A Few Clouds and Windy 67 48 51 NW 28 G 40 29.71
15:53 A Few Clouds and Breezy 57 46 67 NW 22 G 38 29.74
16:53 A Few Clouds and Breezy 56 42 60 NW 24 G 39 29.78
16:53 Fair and Windy 57 42 58 NW 26 G 40 29.76
16:53 A Few Clouds and Windy 56 46 70 NW 28 G 43 29.76
16:53 Fair and Breezy 57 37 47 N 21 G 31 29.81
16:53 Fair 68 58 70 W 3 29.70
16:52 Overcast and Breezy 44 30 58 NW 23 G 36 29.91
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.