Latest weather observations around
Lufkin TX
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
09:53 Overcast 52 45 77 SE 10 30.07
09:53 Overcast 57 50 78 E 16 G 29 30.06
09:53 Overcast 50 44 80 SE 9 30.02
09:55 Overcast 51 40 67 E 5 30.09
09:53 Overcast 57 52 83 E 13 30.04
09:53 Light Rain Fog/Mist 57 54 90 E 13 G 23 30.04
09:53 Overcast 56 51 84 SE 12 30.03
09:53 Overcast 44 38 79 E 9 30.09
09:56 Overcast 45 37 76 E 9 30.13
09:53 Overcast 49 40 71 SE 12 30.06
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.