Latest weather observations around
Lufkin, Angelina County Airport TX
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
05:53 Partly Cloudy 39 32 76 N 10 G 23 30.12
05:53 Fair 46 40 79 NW 10 30.04
05:53 A Few Clouds 30 22 72 NW 16 30.23
05:55 Fair 43 38 81 NW 13 30.02
05:53 A Few Clouds 43 35 74 N 14 G 22 30.10
05:53 Fair 45 35 68 N 18 G 26 30.09
05:53 Overcast 38 32 79 N 10 30.14
05:53 Overcast 36 30 79 NW 13 G 21 30.12
04:56 Overcast 39 32 75 NW 18 G 28 30.06
05:53 Overcast 35 28 76 N 14 30.14
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.