Latest weather observations around
Lexington TX
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
08:55 Partly Cloudy 38 28 68 N 16 G 23 30.34
08:51 Fair 37 24 59 N 14 G 30 30.34
08:55 Fair and Breezy 37 27 65 N 23 G 33 30.29
08:53 A Few Clouds 39 27 62 N 18 G 28 30.32
08:55 Partly Cloudy and Breezy 37 28 70 N 22 G 32 30.30
08:55 Fair and Breezy 37 26 66 N 24 G 30 30.35
08:53 Fair and Breezy 39 28 65 N 22 G 29 30.30
08:56 Fair 37 25 62 N 20 G 30 30.32
08:55 Fair and Breezy 41 30 64 N 22 G 28 30.28
09:15 Fair 39 32 75 N 20 G 29 30.30
08:51 Fair and Windy 41 29 62 N 26 G 38 30.28
08:56 Breezy 41 30 65 N 22 G 28 30.31
08:55 Fair and Windy 37 26 66 N 26 G 33 30.32
08:51 Fair and Breezy 35 23 61 N 23 G 26 30.34
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.