Latest weather observations around
5 Miles WNW New Braunfels TX
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
12:51 Overcast 62 58 86 W 10 29.82
12:51 Overcast 63 57 81 SW 8 G 17 29.82
12:53 Overcast 65 59 81 SW 10 G 20 29.81
12:53 Fair 69 52 55 W 16 G 25 29.81
12:53 Overcast 60 51 72 NW 12 29.89
13:35 Fair 70 45 41 NW 8 G 17 29.81
12:56 Overcast 67 60 79 SW 14 29.80
13:35 Light Drizzle 57 56 96 SW 8 29.84
13:35 Overcast 59 59 99 W 7 29.82
12:51 Fair 74 39 28 NW 17 G 32 29.84
13:35 Fog/Mist 57 57 100 W 6 29.81
13:35 Overcast 57 53 84 W 13 G 16 29.86
12:55 Overcast 58 54 87 W 10 29.80
13:35 Fair 61 54 77 W 3 29.82
12:51 Overcast 58 54 87 W 15 G 23 29.85
12:53 Fog/Mist 57 54 90 W 10 29.83
12:56 Fog/Mist 63 61 93 SW 16 29.83
12:55 Overcast 59 58 97 W 10 29.80
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.