Latest weather observations around
La Porte TX
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
10:53 Overcast and Breezy 82 71 69 S 21 G 29 29.73
11:35 Overcast 84 69 60 S 14 G 25 29.77
10:53 Overcast and Breezy 86 68 55 S 24 G 41 29.77
10:53 Mostly Cloudy 82 75 79 S 18 G 26 29.82
10:53 Light Rain 81 71 72 S 14 G 22 29.71
10:52 Overcast and Breezy 84 77 80 SE 23 29.84
10:54 Mostly Cloudy with Haze and Windy 82 73 74 SE 32 G 38 29.81
10:53 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy 84 73 70 SE 23 G 40 29.81
10:53 Mostly Cloudy 84 75 74 SE 17 G 31 29.84
10:53 Mostly Cloudy 84 73 70 S 10 G 31 29.79
10:53 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy 83 73 72 S 22 G 29 29.80
10:53 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy 85 75 72 S 25 G 36 29.77
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.