Latest weather observations around
3 Miles SSW Charlotte Court House VA
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
15:15 Overcast 41 32 70 E 9 30.10
15:15 Overcast 43 30 61 E 5 30.11
15:15 Overcast 43 32 66 E 6 30.11
15:15 Overcast 36 30 80 Calm 30.13
14:53 Overcast 46 32 58 Calm 30.11
14:54 Overcast 37 32 82 NE 6 30.10
15:15 Overcast 43 34 71 Calm 30.18
15:15 Overcast 44 32 63 E 5 30.11
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.