Latest weather observations around
5 Miles S Bondville VT
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
17:51 Light Rain Fog/Mist 33 30 89 NW 5 29.04
17:54 Rain 36 29 76 E 13 G 23 28.99
17:56 Light Snow Fog/Mist 28 24 85 Vrbl 7 29.07
17:53 Unknown Precip 29 21 72 SW 3 29.08
17:52 Light Rain Fog/Mist 34 31 89 E 16 29.02
17:56 Light Snow Fog/Mist 26 22 84 S 14 G 22 29.03
17:53 Light Freezing Rain 33 32 96 N 7 29.02
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.