Latest weather observations around
3 Miles WNW Hugheston WV
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
22:54 Partly Cloudy 73 47 40 SE 6 30.12
22:56 Fair 64 62 93 Calm 30.09
22:51 Fair 65 50 59 SE 8 G 17 30.20
22:52 Overcast 62 52 70 Calm 30.22
22:53 Fair 72 50 46 SE 5 30.17
22:51 Fair 74 50 43 S 7 30.08
22:53 Fair 70 54 57 Vrbl 3 30.08
22:55 Mostly Cloudy 64 52 65 E 3 30.23
22:55 Fair 70 50 50 SE 10 30.14
22:35 Fair 59 53 80 Calm 30.10
22:53 Fair 70 52 53 SE 5 30.12
22:35 Fair 70 51 51 SE 7 30.11
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.