Latest weather observations around
Elk Mountain WY
Location | Time (mst) |
Sky/Weather | Temp. (ºF) |
Dewpt. (ºF) |
Humidity (%) |
Wind (mph) |
Pressure (in) |
Craig-Moffat Airport | 11:53 | Fair | 7 | -8 | 50 | E 9 | 30.40 | |
Lander | 11:53 | Fair | -0 | -9 | 65 | E 3 | 30.07 | |
Laramie Regional Airport | 11:53 | Partly Cloudy and Windy | 18 | 2 | 49 | SW 29 | 30.06 | |
Riverton Regional Airport | 11:53 | Fair | 4 | -7 | 60 | Calm | 30.07 | |
Rock Springs, Rock Springs-Sweetwater County Airport | 11:54 | Fair | 20 | -4 | 34 | Vrbl 3 | 30.26 | |
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site. |