![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
890 UMAK18 PAFC 051201 COR SGLANC 70273 TTBB 55128 70273 00020 10710 11015 08317 22002 08542 33998 08329 44995 07948 55982 05957 66968 04760 77960 03760 88954 01164 99944 00764 11932 01164 22913 00966 33904 00569 44900 00671 55847 01573 66836 01176 77825 01576 88819 00977 99772 03179 11751 04976 22742 05367 33664 11565 44636 13969 55634 13968 66620 15564 77529 25358 88468 32157 99457 33158 11432 36756 22408 39557 33388 42556 44377 43758 55343 48557 66331 49958 77322 51158 88314 52550 99269 59541 11250 62133 22247 62135 33239 62358 44209 60165 55207 60566 66191 56771 77187 57572 88140 50981 99125 52181 11114 50982 22109 52182 33100 49784 21212 00020 25001 11821 01010 22772 31510 33763 32011 44722 28015 55690 28521 66635 26523 77603 27524 88563 25521 99524 26522 11481 25030 22455 26027 33252 25068 44189 28534 55160 28035 66121 30528 77113 29032 88100 29535 31313 44208 81103 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 34003 31009= PPBB 55128 70273 90/12 25001 01502 01507 90346 33002 29503 01011 90789 34010 31511 29012 91023 28521 27521 26523 91467 27524 25521 26522 919// 25030 92015 25030 26027 25543 9304/ 25555 25068 94039 28534 28035 30528 95013 30035 29032 29535=