Flood Potential Outlook
Issued by NWS Grand Forks, ND

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FGUS73 KFGF 131605


1105 AM CDT Thu Mar 13 2025



         This outlook covers the Red River of the North
         and its Minnesota and North Dakota tributaries.


 * This 90-day outlook covers the period from 3/17/2025 to 6/15/2025.


 * Probabilities for exceeding Major, Moderate, Minor Flood Stage...

Major Flooding...

   There is a low risk (less than 35 percent chance) of major
flooding across the basin.

Moderate Flooding...

   There is a medium risk (35 to 65 percent chance) of moderate
flooding at Fargo/Moorhead and Oslo on the Red River. In North
Dakota, there is a medium risk of moderate flooding at Abercrombie on
the Wild Rice River.

   There is a low risk (less than 35 percent chance) of moderate
flooding elsewhere across the basin.

Minor Flooding...

   There is a high risk (greater than 65 percent chance) of minor
flooding at Fargo/Moorhead on the Red River. In Minnesota, there is a
high risk of minor flooding at Hallock on the Two Rivers River.

   There is a medium risk (35 to 65 percent chance) of minor flooding
at Wahpeton, Grand Forks/East Grand Forks, and Pembina on the Red
River. In Minnesota, there is a medium risk of minor flooding at
Sabin on the South Branch Buffalo River, Dilworth on the Buffalo
River, and Hendrum on the Wild Rice River.

   There is a low risk (less than 35 percent chance) of minor
flooding elsewhere across the basin.


  Hydrologic and climate conditions which affect each of the several
   factors that significantly determine the timing and magnitude of
    spring snowmelt flooding within the Red River of the North are
     discussed below:


   Overall, fall precipitation (September-November 2024) was below
normal for much of the basin. However, the fall season did end with
well above normal November precipitation, especially across
northeastern North Dakota, which saturated soils before freezing up.
Below normal precipitation continued through the winter, allowing
abnormally dry to severe drought conditions to persist across the
southern basin and into north central Minnesota.


   At the end of December, USGS analyses indicated the Red River and
its tributaries were flowing near to slightly above normal
(especially in the far south) due to above normal November


   Minimal to no snowpack early in the winter, followed by stretches
of below normal temperatures, led to the formation of a deep frost
layer. Currently, frost depth values range from 35 to 50 inches
across the basin although some thawing of the top layer of soil has
occurred due to recent above normal temperatures.


   Snowfall (and associated water content) since December 1 is
running 25 to 75 percent of normal, lowest across the southern and
central basin and up into northwestern Minnesota. Recent above normal
temperatures have allowed melting of the snowpack across the basin.
Current snow depths ranging from zero across the southern basin to up
to 10 inches in isolated areas near the international border.

    - Further snowpack growth,
    - Rate of snowmelt/thaw,
    - Heavy rain on snow or frozen ground during thaw or peak flood,
    - Heavy rain on ice-covered rivers causing short-term ice jams.


  A strong system will impact the region beginning tomorrow and
continue into the weekend. Precipitation will initially fall as rain
on Friday before transitioning to possibly freezing rain and then
snow on Saturday. There is some uncertainty in how precipitation that
falls as rain will impact river levels. While the ground remains
deeply frozen, the top layer of soil has begun to thaw which will
allow for some rainfall absorption. Widespread significant flooding
is not expected at this time but runoff from the rainfall may bring
some rises to river levels.


Climate outlooks indicate above normal temperatures to continue
through the month of March and possibly further into the spring.
There is no strong signal either way for above, below, or near normal
precipitation throughout the spring.


   This will be the last spring flood outlook for 2025.


The following message has two sections: the first gives the
 current and normal/historical chances of river locations reaching
  their minor, moderate, and major flood category. The second
   gives the current chances of river locations rising above river
    stages listed.

...Red River Long-Range Probabilistic Outlook by Flood Category...

             Valid from March 17, 2025  to June 15, 2025

In Table 1 below, the current (CS) and historical (HS), or normal,
 probabilities of exceeding minor, moderate, and major flood stages
 are listed for the valid time period.

CS values indicate the probability of reaching a flood category
 based on current conditions.

HS values indicate the probability of reaching a flood category
 based on historical, or normal, conditions.

When the value of CS is greater than HS, the probability of
 exceeding that level is higher than normal. When the value of CS is
 less than HS, the probability of exceeding that level is lower
 than normal.

...Table 1--Probabilities for Minor, Moderate, and Major Flooding
                Valid Period:  03/17/2025 - 06/15/2025

                                         : Current and Historical
                                         :  Chances of Exceeding
                                         :    Flood Categories
                                         :   as a Percentage (%)
                         Categorical     :
                      Flood Stages (FT)  :  Minor   Moderate  Major
Location            Minor    Mod   Major :  CS HS    CS HS    CS HS
--------            ------ ------ ------ : --- ---  --- ---  --- ---
Red River of the North.....
  WAHPETON            11.0   13.0   15.0 :  55  64   23  34    5  18
  HICKSON             30.0   34.0   38.0 :  17  28    5  16   <5  <5
  FARGO               18.0   25.0   30.0 :  88  84   38  41   17  28
  HALSTAD             26.0   32.0   37.5 :  24  38    9  22   <5  12
  GRAND FORKS         28.0   40.0   46.0 :  45  61   13  31   <5  11
  OSLO                26.0   30.0   36.0 :  49  65   41  56    5  18
  DRAYTON             32.0   38.0   42.0 :  27  48   15  33   <5  12
  PEMBINA             39.0   44.0   49.0 :  52  52   24  43    8  22

                                         : Current and Historical
                                         :  Chances of Exceeding
                                         :    Flood Categories
                                         :   as a Percentage (%)
                         Categorical     :
                      Flood Stages (FT)  :  Minor   Moderate  Major
Location            Minor    Mod   Major :  CS HS    CS HS    CS HS
--------            ------ ------ ------ : --- ---  --- ---  --- ---
Minnesota Tributaries.....
  SABIN               13.0   15.0   19.0 :  42  60    6  17   <5  <5
  HAWLEY               8.0    9.0   11.0 :  19  39    6  23   <5  <5
  DILWORTH            13.0   20.0   26.0 :  51  69   10  21   <5  <5
  TWIN VALLEY         10.0   12.0   14.0 :  <5  18   <5   8   <5  <5
  HENDRUM             20.0   28.0   32.0 :  40  54   11  22   <5   7
  SHELLY              14.0   20.0   23.0 :   8  28   <5  11   <5   6
  CLIMAX              20.0   25.0   30.0 :   9  25   <5  12   <5   8
  HIGH LANDING        12.0   12.5   13.0 :  <5   8   <5  <5   <5  <5
  CROOKSTON           15.0   20.0   23.0 :  31  53   12  28   <5   9
  ABOVE WARREN        67.0   71.0   75.0 :   8  13   <5  <5   <5  <5
  ALVARADO           106.0  108.0  110.0 :  32  28   16  17   <5  <5
  HALLOCK            802.0  806.0  810.0 :  75  63   23  42   <5  11
  ROSEAU              16.0   18.0   19.0 :  11  24   <5  14   <5   9

                                         : Current and Historical
                                         :  Chances of Exceeding
                                         :    Flood Categories
                                         :   as a Percentage (%)
                         Categorical     :
                      Flood Stages (FT)  :  Minor   Moderate  Major
Location            Minor    Mod   Major :  CS HS    CS HS    CS HS
--------            ------ ------ ------ : --- ---  --- ---  --- ---
North Dakota Tributaries.....
  ABERCROMBIE         20.0   22.0   28.0 :  48  43   38  36    8  20
  VALLEY CITY         15.0   16.0   17.0 :  <5  10   <5   7   <5   6
  LISBON              15.0   17.0   19.0 :  <5  11   <5  10   <5   7
  KINDRED             16.0   19.0   20.5 :  11  21   <5  11   <5  10
  WEST FARGO DVRSN    18.0   20.0   21.0 :   8  12   <5  11   <5  10
  HARWOOD             84.0   86.0   91.0 :  11  26   10  21   <5  10
  ENDERLIN             9.5   12.0   14.0 :  21  26    6  11   <5  <5
  MAPLETON            18.0   21.0   23.0 :  31  39   10  18   <5   5
  HILLSBORO           10.0   13.0   16.0 :   7  19   <5  10   <5  <5
  MINTO                6.0    8.0   11.0 :  10  23   <5   9   <5  <5
  WALHALLA            11.0   16.0   18.0 :  15  21   <5  <5   <5  <5
  NECHE               18.0   19.0   20.5 :  31  27   24  26   13  20

    CS  =  Conditional Simulation (Outlook for current conditions)
    HS  =  Historical  Simulation ( "       "  normal  conditions)
    FT  =  Feet                   (above gage zero datum)

...Red River Long-Range Probabilistic Outlook by River Stage...

             Valid from March 17, 2025  to June 15, 2025

LOCATION              95%    90%    75%    50%    25%    10%    05%
--------            ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Red River of the North.....
  WAHPETON             9.5    9.6    9.7   11.3   12.9   14.1   15.0
  HICKSON             17.7   17.8   18.4   21.8   27.5   31.3   34.5
  FARGO               17.9   17.9   19.2   21.5   26.9   32.8   34.5
  HALSTAD             13.7   13.9   14.2   17.5   24.0   30.8   35.2
  GRAND FORKS         20.1   20.8   22.4   26.3   32.1   41.6   44.3
  OSLO                16.9   18.1   20.6   25.6   32.4   35.3   36.4
  DRAYTON             19.7   20.2   22.1   26.5   32.3   39.6   40.9
  PEMBINA             29.4   31.4   34.5   39.1   43.2   48.5   50.2

Minnesota Tribs:      95%    90%    75%    50%    25%    10%    05%
--------            ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
South Fork Buffalo River.....
  SABIN                9.8   10.2   11.3   12.5   13.9   14.7   15.1
Buffalo River.....
  HAWLEY               4.5    4.8    5.4    6.3    7.7    8.6    9.1
  DILWORTH             7.9    8.8   10.3   13.3   17.7   19.9   20.7
Wild Rice River.....
  TWIN VALLEY          3.5    3.5    3.8    4.6    6.3    7.8    9.0
  HENDRUM             12.7   12.8   13.8   18.1   23.9   28.3   29.5
Marsh River.....
  SHELLY               6.1    6.1    6.8    8.8   10.6   13.5   14.9
Sand Hill River.....
  CLIMAX               7.8    7.8    8.0   10.9   13.2   19.8   24.2
Red Lake River.....
  HIGH LANDING         2.9    3.0    3.8    5.2    7.0    8.7   10.0
  CROOKSTON            8.7    8.8   10.4   12.7   15.4   21.2   22.3
Snake River.....
  ABOVE WARREN        63.0   63.2   63.6   64.2   65.2   66.8   67.8
  ALVARADO           100.2  100.8  102.4  103.7  107.0  108.6  109.3
Two Rivers River.....
  HALLOCK            800.0  800.8  802.1  803.8  805.9  808.5  809.1
Roseau River.....
  ROSEAU               9.2    9.6   10.2   11.3   13.7   16.2   17.7

North Dakota Tribs:   95%    90%    75%    50%    25%    10%    05%
--------            ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Wild Rice River.....
  ABERCROMBIE         13.0   13.1   15.6   19.6   24.5   27.6   29.8
Sheyenne River.....
  VALLEY CITY          5.2    5.3    5.9    7.3   10.2   12.3   14.4
  LISBON               4.0    4.5    5.2    7.4   10.0   12.9   14.6
  KINDRED              5.3    5.7    6.6    9.3   11.8   17.2   18.8
  WEST FARGO DVRSN     8.7    8.7    9.7   10.8   13.0   17.0   18.6
  HARWOOD             72.3   72.5   74.0   77.0   79.5   86.9   90.7
Maple River.....
  ENDERLIN             4.5    4.9    5.7    7.4    9.2   10.8   12.1
  MAPLETON            11.0   11.2   12.1   14.8   18.5   21.0   22.2
Goose River.....
  HILLSBORO            3.1    3.3    3.7    4.5    6.6    8.8   12.8
Forest River.....
  MINTO                2.9    3.0    3.3    3.8    4.8    5.9    6.5
Pembina River.....
  WALHALLA             6.3    6.7    7.3    8.4    9.9   12.0   13.3
  NECHE               11.6   12.6   13.6   16.3   18.8   20.9   21.1


This long range probabilistic outlook is based on a series of peak
 river levels or crests taken from the forecast hydrograph results
 of the NWS Community Hydrologic Prediction System (CHPS). The model
 is run for multiple scenarios starting at current river levels and
 soil conditions using 70 years (1949-2019) of past precipitation
 and temperature conditions that were experienced for those past
 years during the time-frame of the outlook period. These crests can
 then be ranked from lowest to highest and assigned an exceedance
 probability. For example, for a series of 50 years, the lowest
 ranked crest has 49 crests above it and since 95 percent of the
 crests are above it, it is assigned a 95 percent probability
 of exceedance (POE).

A YouTube video on "How to Interpret River Outlook Products" is at:


The probabilities can be used for risk management by using them as
 an indication of the range of crests that may be expected during
 the valid period of the outlook. By providing a range of peak river
 level probabilities, the NWS is contributing to the area`s Decision
 Support Services that help with long-range flood planning and
 response readiness. This outlook is a part of NOAA`s National
 Weather Service`s NWPS (National Water Prediction Service).


The NWPS Long-Range Probabilistic Hydrologic Outlooks are issued
 each month typically between the first and second Friday after
 mid-month. However, Spring Flood and Water Resources Outlooks are
 issued several times leading up to the spring melt period, usually
 on Thursdays beginning in late February or early March and ending
 in early April, depending on the spring flooding conditions.

This outlook is also presented as graphs of the probability of stage
 exceedance for the full period and for weekly intervals during the
 period. These graphs, along with explanations for interpreting them,
 are available from the NWS Grand Forks NWPS web page:

        www.weather.gov/grandforks or weather.gov/fgf

  then click on the "Rivers and Lakes" tab above the map.

Current river conditions for all river forecast points in the Red
 River of the North and Devils/Stump Lake basins are also available
  on our website, as well as 7-day forecasts when river levels at
   forecast points are in or near flood.

Additional Probabilistic Hydrologic Outlooks will be issued monthly
 throughout the rest of the year during the later part of the month
  or as conditions warrant.

Refer to the separate Devils Lake Probabilistic Hydrologic Outlook
 for Devils and Stump Lakes Probability of Exceedance levels and
  low-water non-exceedance levels.

If you have any questions, contact the NWS at 701-772-0720.

You can follow us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/NWSGrandForks
 and on X at: @NWSGrandForks.

