Special Weather Statement
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
605 WWAK82 PAFG 141947 SPSWCZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 1047 AM AKST Tue Jan 14 2025 AKZ813>830-151500- South Slopes of the Western Brooks Range-Noatak Valley- Kivalina and Red Dog Dock-Lower Kobuk Valley-Baldwin Peninsula- Northern Seward Peninsula-Upper Kobuk Valleys-Shishmaref- Bering Strait Coast-Southern Seward Peninsula Coast- Interior Seward Peninsula-Eastern Norton Sound and Nulato Hills- Yukon Delta Coast-Lower Yukon River-St Lawrence Island- Lower Koyukuk Valley-Middle Yukon Valley- Lower Yukon and Innoko Valleys- Including Walker Lake, Noatak, Red Dog Mine, Kivalina, Red Dog Dock, Noorvik, Selawik, Kiana, Kotzebue, Deering, Buckland, Candle, Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk, Shishmaref, Diomede, Wales, Brevig Mission, Teller, Nome, White Mountain, Golovin, Serpentine Hot Springs, Council, Haycock, Pilgrim Springs, Taylor, Unalakleet, Stebbins, St Michael, Elim, Koyuk, Shaktoolik, Mountain Village, Emmonak, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Scammon Bay, Hooper Bay, Nunam Iqua, Chevak, Russian Mission, St Marys, Pilot Station, Marshall, Gambell, Savoonga, Huslia, Hughes, Galena, Nulato, Kaltag, Ruby, Koyukuk, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, and Anvik 1047 AM AKST Tue Jan 14 2025 ...More Stormy Weather Friday through This Weekend for the West Coast and Parts of the Western Interior and Brooks Range... Another winter storm is expected late this week and into the weekend. A strong front with east winds to gale force will support significant snow and blowing snow as early as Thursday night across the YK Delta. The front will quickly move north and bring heavy snow and blowing snow to the Seward Peninsula and the Bering Strait Coast Friday. Warmer air shifts across the YK Delta to Seward Peninsula with a mix of rain and snow possible as far north as the southern Seward Peninsula by Saturday. Heavy snow will move into the W Brooks Range to the Lisburne Peninsula, impacting locations in the Kobuk, Noatak, and Selawik Valleys, as well. It is difficult to pin down snow totals at this juncture, but several inches of snow is possible for the southern Seward Peninsula north to the higher elevations of the Brooks Range, as well as across the Nulato Hills and Northern Interior valleys. This stormy pattern looks to be the longer term dominant weather regime heading well into the long- range. $$